May 2, 2013

Day 35 and counting...

Today is cd35 and still nothing...not even a hint that af will arrive anytime soon. So like a good little girl I called and let my doctor know that I hadn't started like they told me to. I know my body and can normally have a cycle as long 40-44 days, so I'm not concerned. Alas, I did was instructed and they seemed irritated that I didn't take a hpt. Are you serious?!? I know that I'm not pregnant...I don't get pregnant, at least not so far. So now I have to take at least 1 pregnancy test to tell me what I already know. Then the nurse told me that they would like for me to take a test at home and then if they do something to start my cycle then I will have to have one done at the hospital as well. Ugh...seriously! On top of that loveliness it's May 2 and snowing. The last 2 years by this time I was wearing a very light fleece jacket to work in the mornings, opening the windows in the house and wearing sandals. Now I have a mid weight jacket on, no sandals, snow on the ground (approx 3 ft in my backyard still) and more snow falling daily! What gives?!? I've heard of global warming effecting other parts of the country, but it missed Alaska. They are predicting snow again tomorrow and Saturday. I'm really really hoping that after that we are done with snow until October.

The ailments don't stop with infertility right now. I'm having horrible back pain today. I've had chronic lower back pain for years now, but typically once I go to sleep at night it's gone when I wake up. That isn't the case today unfortunately. After doing some work on the floor for approx 30 minutes I had bad back pain. I tried to relax some before I went to bed without success and finally went to sleep for the night. When I woke up this morning not only was the pain not gone but it was just as bad as when I went to sleep. When I got to work I called to schedule an appt as soon as I got a chance. Thankfully they were able to get me in today because they have late clinic hours on Thursday! I just had to endure through the day at work.

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