August 29, 2013

New Doctor, Renewed Hope

So Reed and I met with the new doctor yesterday. I'm still in an OB-Gyn office, but she does fertility a lot. There are no RE's in the entire state of Alaska and Tricare won't pay for me to go to an RE if  that service is offered at my MTF (Military Treatment Facility).

After asking some fellow Army wives about my new doctor as well as my old doctor I found that my previous one struggles with infertility herself, and has almost a jealousy type thing going on. Are you kidding me?!? How can you treat infertility patients as well as OB patients as a doctor with this whole jealousy thing going on?!? I personally know how hard it is to work around OB patients while struggling with infertility. That's why I had to leave my department and go back to surgery. It's just so challenging to be happy for a new OB patient or a new mom coming in for all her OB checks and post-partum checks when I want so badly to be a mom and every effort I have tried has failed. new doctor did come across as a bit abrasive. Many of the Army wives that I talked to said that my new doctor was horrible and they absolutely hated her. I can see that. She wasn't one to come in all smiles and make small talk with you, but when you  get down to it, I don't want small talk and chit chat I want to get pregnant. In fact she came in, sat down at the computer and asked me what my goal was from my appointment with her. That did shock me a bit, but I just told her "I want to get pregnant, and I don't feel like what I was doing was working, so I want a second opinion." I laid out everything that I hoped for, the tests I wanted, the medications I wanted to try, exactly what had happened with the previous medication and such. She said that she thinks that I most likely have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) despite my labs being normal. I told her that I thought all along that I either had PCOS or an estrogen dominance thing going on. She explained that PCOS is a triad type thing and that you have to have two of the three symptoms/conditions to get diagnosed. One is not ovulating, which I'm not, and the other one for me is acne. At 27 years old my skin still is breaking out like crazy. Like I have to use a particular face wash and make sure to wash my face twice a day and I still have problems. hope is that we can get the PCOS under control and my skin will clear up and I can get my weight under better control.

She made me do a pregnancy test while I was there yesterday since my last cycle started 6/18/13. I had this small fleeting hope that by some miracle it would come back positive, but like normal it was negative. While I understand the reason for doing a pregnancy test, I really wish that she wouldn't have made me do it. Hearing the negative again is heartbreaking. Is it ever going to be positive???

So for now the plan is to do a pelvic ultrasound to get a baseline, and HSG to make sure that my tubes are open and not kinked, if no AF by then Provera to get started and then Femara. At first she was going to make me do one more round of Clomid 100mg, but then changed her mind and is going to just start with Femara. She said that after 3 rounds of something the success rates fall. So we've done three rounds of timed intercourse with negatives and three rounds of Clomid IUI's with negatives, so now we'll try Femara. Hopefully we will only have to do one round and then we'll be good to go!

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