December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

So, today was our first Christmas totally away from our families. Although it didn't really have that "Christmas" feel to it, we had a fairly good day! We were able to sleep in and relax this morning and this evening I made my first Christmas dinner by myself. While it was not the elaborate dinner that most people have for Christmas it was perfect for our small family and friends. I made a ham with honey glaze on it, potatoes, green beans and a "lazy man's peach cobbler." It all turned out delicious and everyone loved it! I'm sure ya'll have all heard about what I affectionately dub the "Ward Luck," and it sure didn't miss us today. Earlier this week we moved into our new place. I was so excited! We finally had our own washer and dryer! So tonight I decided to try out our washer and dryer for the first time so that Reed wouldn't stress about getting laundry done tomorrow night before returning to work on Monday. So I started the washer and came back downstairs...then a little while later we all heard a funny noise upstairs, so we ran up the stairs to find out that the washer and flooded the floor! Then while we were upstairs surveying the damage and grabbing all the towels we could we heard a funny noise back downstairs. One of our friends and I ran down stairs to find that water was leaking through exhaust fan in the half bath downstairs. Awww...I was ready to cry! As if this sounds bad...don't worry it gets worse! (That's the Ward Luck way...) Then after riping up the carpet and using whatever we could to prop up the carpet and padding to help it dry until we can either get fans on it or a wet vac we came downstair to discover that it was also leaking through the ceiling. Good thing I have a handy husband...I guess. As of now though we have a temporary solution and a plan for getting it all fixed. Now we are all just chilling. Me on the internet and the guys playing video games and watching movies. I hope that everyone had a very merry Christmas!

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