December 6, 2013

10 Facts

I'm sure that anyone on Facebook has seen the new "game" going around where women are sharing their facts about their pregnancies. I, unfortunately, had never been pregnant. However, I am part of an amazing infertility support group on Facebook that has taken that game, and made it into "10 Facts about my Infertility." Here are my 10 facts.

1. I have been off birth control since March 2010, but due to basic training and a deployment we have only been actively TTC for 2 years

2. I have had 5 rounds of clomid and 1 round of Femara.

3. I've done 3 IUIs.

4. We have 'slight' MFI, but I think that there is more to it than they think due to a groin injury my husband received by deployed. However, no one will investigate that.

5. During deployment I had 3 really close girlfriends and none of the 4 of us had children. I was the only one that wanted a child, but now I am the only one that doesn't have one. (One girl is ever pregnant with her second child!)

6. Before we started infertility treatments, I ovulated on my own despite having long irregular periods, since starting I have not ovulated on my own at all.

7. I have gained at least 20 pounds since starting treatments and know that it part of way I am not ovulating anymore.

8. While I may not act happy and through a celebration for other when I find out they are pregnant, I am really very happy for them. I usually send them a message that says such, but they never believe me because I can't express my happiness. I have a hard time expressing that happiness for them because I'm dying on the inside.

9. I honestly feel like I will never have a biological child or know what it feels like to see two pink lines.

10. I am the only one in my family to have fertility problems.

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