February 10, 2014

Miracles do occur!

My whole life I've had my doubts about miracles. They seem so unreal to me. I believe in coincidences, but not miracles. I especially gave up any small lingering hope of miracles when month after month AF came and I watched everyone around me getting pregnant and having babies. That all changed on 12/19/13. After having a crazy intense dream of taking 5 pregnancy tests and getting all BFPs I decided to go ahead a take one that morning. I figured I hadn't started yet, but given my irregular cycles and first time taking Femara I didn't know when to expect it. Plus I had plenty of cheapie tests so why not. Almost instantly the 2 lines appeared. I started shaking like crazy and suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe! This couldn't be real! I don't get positive tests. I instantly tried calling Reed because he had already left for PT. I knew that he was going to sick call that morning, but of course he didn't answer. I called my sister, but I had to talk to someone. I told her what was going on and text her a picture of the test. She confirmed that there was indeed a second line and it was positive. I had to be at work early that morning because we had a surgery so I put a FRER test in my pocket and said I would take it the next time I had to go and if it was positive I would believe it. Thankfully Reed came home right before I left. I showed him the test and told him I was pregnant and he just stared at me and the test in disbelief. He told me that he wouldn't believe it until he had secondary or even tertiary proof. So off to the hospital I went and right after I walked inside from the cold I had to go again so I did the second test. Again positive! I wanted to run home instantly and show Reed, but of course I had a job to do so I threw the test in my pocket and headed to change for the OR. After we finished our case I went to the lab and had blood drawn to confirm and later that afternoon the nurse called to confirm that I was indeed pregnant! This pregnancy is most definitely a miracle baby! We had given up hope of that cycle working because my doctor wouldn't do the IUI because of Thanksgiving and the entire week that I was fertile Reed was studying and had promotion boards so his stress level was crazy high! I still did my opk's because I had them. Once I finally got the positive Reed had already taken his Ambien and gone to bed. We made sure to bd that next night, but I was positive that it wasn't going to work. However it did and I'm happy to announce that I'm currently 11w6d with a very healthy baby!

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