December 30, 2010

Good News!!!

So today I was unoffically offered a job! Finally! They can't offically offer it me until Monday, but yesterday they had me come up and fill out the paperwork and today called me with the salary quote. I'm so excited! My last day of work at Covenant was 19 November 2010. When I left there that night I never thought I would say this but I honeslty miss working! It's not that I have not had plently to do recently because I have. I have also loved being able to be home with Reed, since he was only working half days 3 days a week the last two weeks. However, I really miss feeling productive! I took at job the clinic with a new orthopedic surgeon who will be coming into town at the end of January. Although I never thought that I would work in a clinic setting I'm pretty excited about it! I love that I never have to work holidays or weekends and that the hours are 8 to 5. Although it is a bummer that I have to work 5 days a week, I love having the weekends off to spend with Reed, especially since he is deploying soon. Other news that we have to report is that our troublesome truck is back in the shop. I don't understand enough of what's wrong with it to explain to everyone. I just know that one morning we woke up and there was a bunch of gear oil by the back right tire. So, we took it in yesterday when the boys got off work and hopefully we will get it back either tomorrow night or Saturday morning, but we'll see. My hope is that this is the last time that it will have to go into the shop for a least longer than a week like has been the current trend. Finally, right after Christmas Reed and I got each other Fable II (a video game we both love for x box). When we first got home with it our roommates thought we were crazy and made fun of us for how much we play. However, now they are just as bad! I'm embarrassed to admit that it's what we do after the sun goes down right now, but hey it's bonding right?!? Well, I guess that is all for now, 'night.

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